Tastes change. As Millennials get older, have kids, buy large houses, they’ll want to fill them. All it’ll take is a couple of social media influences to bring back such kitch. I can’t believe that redneck beards have been in vogue for so long, but they came back from the slimy grave of the 70s.
I go all out for Halloween. I’ve learned it’s cheaper to buy Garage sale/thrift store stuff like this for creepy decorations, than it is to get stuff from Halloween stores or even the dollar store sometimes. I have the coolest “potion” bottles made of old decanters. The massive influx of stuff that came into thrift stores after covid started, was awesome, in the most morbid way.
after covid started
Because of Marie Kondo right?
in the most morbid way
… oh 💀
My grandad labelled all his tat with little coloured stickers. After he died, his children went round peeling most of their own stickers off so they wouldn’t get lumbered with it.
Nobody really wants a bunch of nicotine stained nick-knacks. Most of it ended up at the charity shop.
These teacups are much more charming than stacks of mass-produced printed mugs.
On the other hand, Grandma, you’d better not know that I’ll be washing them in the dishwasher on a daily basis.
In 40 years time there’s going to be a bunch of 30 year old Gen-Betas going “What the fuck am I supposed to do with all my grandmother’s Rae Dunn crap? All this tacky white porcelain, just huck it in the ocean and let it erode.”
Lmao my niece and nephew are going to enjoy inheriting my brother’s hundreds upon hundreds of D&D minis.
At least we use (some of) them to play with though, they’re not (only) for the display cabinet.
If your niece and/or nephew plays DnD with you, they legitimately might.
You know a major reason why thrift stores are overflowing with Gramma’s China? Gramma failed to instill any love or appreciation for them. You hear once or twice in your youth “Don’t play near that cabinet! You’ll break the dishes!” Then they sit in that cabinet for the next 30 years entirely untouched. Because they’re too precious even for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. So the young’uns don’t build up any personal attachment to these things. So the second your triple comes un-bypassed those dishes are going skeet shooting.
“I’ve been trying to complete my Dad’s collection of games on steam, in the last year I’ve completed 365 games and gotten up to 1%!”
Oh gawd, don’t remind me. My mom already tried selling it and couldn’t find anyone to buy it. Of course, she blames kids these days for not valuing her obviously valuable collection…
you can’t reason with them. no matter how much you try to tell my mom it’s not the 90s anymore, she absolutely refuses to accept any reality other than her 10 giant plastic bins stuffed with beanie babies is a priceless collection
Well, if the market so undervalues that stuff, the logical step would be to go buy other people’s beanie babies for cheap, before people realize how much they are actually worth. And then sell heaps of them for profit, once people come to their senses.
That’s obviously a very stupid idea, that you could pose to her, and let her argue why she doesn’t do that. Maybe it triggers a realization about how value is constructed.
But maybe it’s not worth the risk of her taking up on this very stupid idea.My grandma got into snowbabies lol
and never use
Just like my degree
When my mother dies and I have to deal with all her crystal, I’ll get roaring drunk and spend the night smashing those useless fucking things in the fire, cackling like a madman. I fucking hated looking at all that money spent on utterly worthless sparkly shit.
There are websites that buy this stuff, this is just one example, and there are others. You can get a bit of cash without a ton of effort, just pack it up nicely and send it in.
Spoiler alert: they’re probably not buying mass produced China sets even if they are nice.
Source: me exhausting all avenues of trying to part with vintage China set(s) and replacements.com telling me to politely fuck off.
Mum pushing us her useless and now worthless silver crap. Nah thanks, I’m not slaving over polishing stupid fancy forks.
Any silver I get I’m feeding to the furnace and casting into bars.
Sadly most of this boomer junk is just coated and doesn’t have much silver in it otherwise yep, chuck it into Mount Doom for some cash.
Mum is already doing it with the jewelry so at least that’s not just sitting there gathering dust.
I wonder to this day what happened to mom’s Lladro figurines and the Royal Dalton tea cups. I’m sure my sister got Nana’s sterling and Mom’s plate. It’s really sad that the Danish modern furniture had to go before she moved up here but she was happy with IKEA and CostPlus replacements.
I got her pots, which was all that mattered to me. There’s something symmetrical in making Boeff Bourguignon in the same pot you learned to make beef stew at age 14.
Your mom sounds awesome
My mom has 3 different china cabinets and more glasses than the royal family. We only use the ones in the kitchen and maybe 4 in the new years.
The other day she said ahe would sell one of the sets, a very old time like tea set, but see that set was the last gift my granpa gave my grandma before he died and they are both gone…and my mom is getting older… and I had a anxiety attack thinking that she would get rid of that and started crying.
I think stuff Is just stuff, but idk man, it did hurt. Boy I’ll have a bad time the day i have to get rid of those fucking glasses.
Definitely use them. Every time you do, you’ll think of them, and it will bring you joy.
I bought a set of 4 matched plates off eBay. It may be shallow consolation but some of those plates and what-not go to loving homes. My plates are classy AF and I love them
Step 1: Take pictures so that you can look back when you want to. The items are gone, but the memories are not. Step 2: Give them to someone who will appreciate them. Tell them the story so they can truly know what they meant to your family.
Just use them
My friend has a set of napkins that is so important that they have never been used. Drives me bonkers.
Am I your friend?
So, weird similarities…I have a bag of napkins, like, the paper ones that you but from the store. I guess my dad bought them years ago and they just sat in his room, never used. After he passed, I figured, hey - free napkins.
I can’t bring myself to use them because they smell like his room.
This sounds like a completely reasonable reason to skip using napkins. I love nostalgia and scent and have a few people I wish I could smell again.
No, my friend can’t use their napkins because they’re too high quality to be used. Such high quality that they’re never used. But never-used napkins that don’t smell like your late father’s room are not high quality at all. I think they’re effectively worthless.
I’ll probably do this. China and glasses break, speacilly when is used. At least I wpuld feel like the stuff served it’s purpuse and tbf in my house plates, glasses and cups break like once a week hhHahHhh
Buy it and use it. It’s fun kitch, don’t let it collect dust. If it breaks, no worries, lots of it around.
Babushka boy
Did you plan to leave WITHOUT EATING?
What’s the problem? Just do with those what you did to the dishes when the babysitter died.
Right on top of that, Rose!
After my mom died, my dad sold her China to her friend for a nickel. Which is great, because I would have just taken it to the VV Boutique and donated it.
I kind of miss some of the things my mom had around the house my whole life, but also I’d I kept it all, there wouldn’t be room for my stuff. And I’m not putting Trypticon in a box so I can display some Franklin Mint goose plate.
Why granny so jacked though?
She’s got some serious bingo wings right there.
Stirring cake mixes is no joke.
What, the curtains?
She’s got huuuge tracts o China