I am not a teen.
It’s the stupid toxic “romance” that I want rid of. It gets so boring and tedious to watch. If it’s important to the story, then fine. But otherwise can we just normalize friendship between opposite gendered people without the need for bad relationship drama, jealousy, and normalizing the idea that when someone says no, they’re actually just “playing hard to get”.
can we just normalize friendship between opposite gendered people
Great idea. I would love a prominent TV show to have main characters of the opposite sex that are good friends and a romance is never shoehorned into it at any point.
Warehouse 13 got sooooo close.
If you haven’t seen it. Ted Lasso is a great one for this.
I’ve had that show recommended to me before and I keep avoiding it because the subject matter doesn’t interest me, but I keep being told to watch it despite that, so it is on my long list.
I’m not sure what you think the subject matter is, but I was completely caught off guard. The main character is ostensibly in a “fish out of water” story, and that certainly creates a humorous backdrop. But the show is really all about mental health and wellbeing. People supporting each other while they learn to love themselves, deal with anxiety, trauma, and prejudice… It’s immensely beautiful, uproariously funny, and I will happily be the next person to recommend you watch it.
It’s the sports part that held absolutely no interest to me because I think sports are really, really boring. But I’m told I’ll like it anyway, and you seem to back that up.
There are plenty of shows “about” subjects that you really don’t need to have any interest in to enjoy, because the show is actually about the characters. Like Succession, is any knowledge about or passion for corporate takeovers necessary? In Ted Lasso, the sport is there to motivate the characters, and is only very occasionally on screen.
Sherlock sorta did it. I don’t think those two ever got together?
I think you meant Elementary, but good point! I forgot about that show!
Not only did they not get together, Watson made it clear that ain’t gonna ever happen within the first two or three episodes.
Honestly, Law & Order is good for this imo. Especially Benson and Stabler from SVU, and some of Criminal Intent with Vincent D’Onofrio and Kathryn Erba.
I want to believe.
Stargate SG1 did it as well or evem better than WH13 in my opinion. Sure Jack and Sam have some sort of romance but Teal’C, Sam, and Daniel are great friends. Atlantis did it even better with Ronon and Teyla.
Yeah, but not all the characters on any show were hooking up with each other outside of soap opera stuff. There was still an idea that two of them will end up falling in love. Why does that need to be part of the show at all? Let them all have partners outside of work.
Romance sells. Will they won’t they sells. Sex appeal sells.
It might seem cheap to you, but people do want and enjoy that kind of content.
Don’t you think people also might and want shows that don’t have those things? I really don’t think a single show where there is a mixed gender cast and no one ever ends up in bed with anyone else is going too far.
I’m sure some exist, but you’re an exception in not wanting that at all; most people want sex appeal and some romance.
Sex is an intrinsic part of being human and influences a lot of our decisions, it’s only natural for it to be in our media.
This is what I said:
Great idea. I would love a prominent TV show to have main characters of the opposite sex that are good friends and a romance is never shoehorned into it at any point.
A prominent TV show.
As in one. Singular.
So I’m not sure where you have gotten it into your head that I want no romance at all in media.
Twilight really fucked up the romance genre, huh? Lol
No need for it as the internet is full of it….and whatever you want for free
The number of sex scenes are down since 2000 of the movies coming out of Hollywood. But if you’re willing to read subtitles, there’s still a lot of horny videos coming out of Western Europe.
For me, make the sex relevant to the plot and make the sex they have congruent with the characters.
I have noticed over the years sex scenes usually add no value to the movie. If the sex scene was removed completely it wouldn’t change the story at all.
Yeah, while I do enjoy seeing occasional boobs (which most of the time aren’t even showed), if I want to watch sex, I’ll just put on some porn.
IMO, The Room is one of the few movies where the sex scenes added anything. And even then, they didn’t add anything to the plot, they added to the meta plot, which was the story of a guy with a passionate vision but lacking the talent to pull off that vision, which IMO Wiseau does have talent doing, since he’s been able to recreate that same feeling in other content, making me think he’s playing a character (Tommy Wiseau the producer) he wants the audience to laugh at.
Also not a teen, but as an asexual person I’ve been wishing for that for a while now.
Sorry but someone still has to have sex out there to give birth to more asexual people.
But what does that have to do with sex scenes in movies and tv shows?
It’s a thing that happens and kinda has to happen. there will always be a story that needs to include at least the mention of it.
What does your affliction have to do with movies and TV for others?
Firstly, it’s not an affliction, just like how being straight or being allosexual isn’t an affliction.
Secondly, rarely does a sex scene move the plot forward.
Thirdly, less is still more.
Fourthly, sex scenes still don’t help procreation one bit, now does it? So you didn’t answer my question, but I’m no longer interested in your answer. By calling me an affliction makes it perfectly clear to me that what you have to say isn’t interesting.
I absolutely despise media that relies on sex for the plot. It just ruins it for me. I’m also not a teen.
You would hate most Greek mythology
Why is that swan leering at me…
And some religious texts.
I remember watching the wolf of wall street on opening day with my parents when I was a teen.
Based on that experience, I agree, that was so awkward lol
Bud, imagine your parents taking you as a teen to see Species (1995) because we all thought it was just some sci-fi alien movie…
My mom did something similar and dragged 13 year old me and my two younger brothers to go see Saturday Night Fever in theaters because the commercials had dancing and music, so she thought it was a musical.
So, way back in the day, when Borat was released, basically my whole household loved it. Then, Bruno was announced! Another movie from the same guy, excellent!
I took my mom to go see it. In theaters. I don’t think I can really put into words the awkwardness of sitting through that film.
Lol, If someone puts a gun against my head and says guess the most lied about thing in human history, honest to god I would say, Teens lying About sex.
For some reason I question the validity of this study.
Dunno. There are better sources too look for sex. Watching a movie with your mates is just awkward.
There is porn now. Everyfuckingwhere. For free. So much porn. Niche porn. Hardcore porn. Fetish porn. You don’t have to jerk off to a lingirie catalog like we did when we were kids. Or sneak National Geographic magazines to see boobs. Sex in movies is just sad, stupid, and often unnecessary tittilation.
So what, we’re gonna remove gore and action scenes too? I’m not saying sex scenes inherently have more “value” than any other scene, I’m not even arguing they have any “value”, but there are a lot of movies out there that are 90% “unnecessary titillation” in one way, shape, or form.
So what, we’re gonna remove gore and action scenes too?
If they are unnecessary to the plot, and add nothing, then yes?
Sex scenes are fine if they’re important to the plot, and/or they add to the movie or show in a valuable way. It just turns out that ~99% of the time, these scenes are completely unnecessary.
Yeah “sex sells” only works when society is not constantly exposed to more extreme content.
It’s this.
I remember walking to the video rental store in the 90s to hire VCR tapes. We always tried to get that ones rated 18+ because there would be some boob stuff. Usually the attendant wouldn’t care.
Now, fuck. Filtering porn out of my social media feeds is a daily ordeal.
There’s lot of ‘need to touch grass’ level of discourse of sex being icky these days.
Disclaimer: Based on my infrequent visits to tumblr and related subreddits.
I have zero sources to back this up but I blame American puritanism
Absolutely. Sex is viewed as either a prideful event to be overly open about or a dark hidden secret that only one should do.
If all we have is extremes no wonder neither side feels very interested in it. It loses the fact that it’s a thing that you just can do. It’s an action that can have lots of intent behind it and some of it is needed for procreation.
As is now it’s too surrounded by argument.I think that there’s a lot of anxiety more than puritanism. There’s a lot of reasons, but one of them is certainly the growing political divide; women are trending more and more liberal, and men more and more conservative. Women don’t want to get trapped by a man that doesn’t think that she should have rights, while men seem to think that they are ‘owed’ a woman to have their babies (…and how are they going to fucking pay for those kids, when they think their wife is going to stay at home, and they have zero fucking job prospects…?).
TBH, if I was a woman, I sure as fuck would not want to risk dating men right now.
Yeah I think that anxiety is the reason people don’t want to see it.
The study also shows that they want escapism and fantasy stories that are only happy more than ever as well.
Ignoring the harsh bits is the point and the anxiety of the topic of Sex itself is I think the key factor in it being taboo because people want to ignore that which makes them uncomfortable.
I can understand that now that we have access to easy-direct–instant-proper porn that sex scenes are less appealing to the majority of people.
When I was a kid they would definitely include a sex scene just so that people looking to jerk off would be willing to watch or buy.
Not to pick on you or anything, but I just can’t understand this perspective.
Like, imagine wanting less action in your Marvel movies because you can just youtube real fights in Denny’s restaurants.
I guess it depends on the effects action could have on you.
If you’re the type to get really pumped and hyped at action, something you do enjoy but maybe not all the time, then inserting it into a movie that you wanted to give you some other emotion would take away from the overall experience because it’s hard to get out of the juiced up state of mind.
So if sex scenes make you horny, and maybe you’re conditioned to get immediate relief from that feeling because of porn, then I can see why that could hinder your enjoyment of the overall movie.
Yeah but, sex scenes in movies and sex in porn are hardly even the same thing. They’re so wildly different, I don’t see how one could be a replacement for the other.
True, but they can still get you (especially during Puberty) horny.
I think thats what these kids are actually complaining about. They’re used to getting turned on and immediately being able to satisfy themselves on their phones. But during a movie they’ve got to wait another hour before they can releave themselves and that’s frustrating for them.
Ahh… that’s an angle I hadn’t thought of…
When porn was less accessible they could definitely be in the realm. Now it’s more often bad soft core or HBO style taking up too much of an episode without moving the plot.
Growing up my friend had a special VHS tape he’d rent movies and record the sex scenes to. He was pretty sheltered and just didn’t have access to much else.
I’ve been saying this for so long. Don’t get me wrong, some films do make sense to have sex scenes. But there are so many that either have hardcore (for TV) sex scenes or just random full nudity that makes it nearly impossible to watch with anyone other than my partner or close friends.
Like if I recommend a film or show to someone and completely forget that it had sex or even just nudity in it, it usually wasn’t important to the story. On the other hand, it may have made sense to include in the film but it was so terribly done that I promptly blocked it out.
The other issue is that it has become increasingly difficult to find any shows that either don’t include sex scenes, or don’t have ridiculous levels of violence, or whatever else is difficult for me to deal with when I just want something easy to watch that’s not a kid’s movie (although kid’s movies have their own set of issues).
Streaming services don’t even make it easy to find something to watch - they show you the same stuff over and over, or they pretend that everything is in English when they include so many other languages in the selections. If I am unable to pay attention to the captions then I would prefer to have something in English without trying a bunch of different shows first. I mean I guess this is partly (mainly?) my fault since I’ve failed to learn another language despite years of studying. But I think it just irritates me that they lie about it more than anything.
Idk I am off topic now and this has turned into a really long comment that probably doesn’t say anything that hasn’t already been said in this thread.
Maybe find less prudish friends? There’s nothing wrong with bodies.
That’s a whole other conversation, if they were depicting healthy relationships then it would be a lot less of a problem.
Because we can’t tell stories that involve people in unhealthy relationships?
As I told another person, if that’s the point of the movie then sure. But depicting all relationships as just a sex pact is a bit of an issue.
Nah, it’s useless filler meant to bring in a brain-dead sex deprived audience. Fuck it
More confirmation the world is right to see us as backwards. (US study)
So many sexual hangups. Makes sense considering we were founded by Puritans escaping to the new world to be more backwards and repressed.
Sex is a part of life. A massive part of the human condition. A part to be celebrated, not mourned or minimized. That’s how we get pedophile priests and sexual education summed up in “do not do it because it does not exist and you’re dirty for asking.” It’s not Gen Zs fault though, social media is designed to emphasize the darkest possible side of everything as it gets clicks, so sex as a concept is just a vector of potential trauma to them.
If only we had the same hangups about our violence boners our media gluts us on with abandon. Sports concussions, gory explosion movies, and our most celebrated exports tools of mass murder 😎👍. People giving one another physical pleasure 😱👎.
This would make sense if I could watch an adult show without a cringey sex scene shoehorned in for no apparent reason other than to show how macho the main man is.
We’re not prudes, we just want good stories.
If I want to watch sex in a movie, I’ll watch a porno in my basement sex dungeon. If I want to watch something with family and friends without that weird awkward moment when SEX starts happening, I’ll watch a movie without a pointless sex scene in it.
I’m just glad you didn’t call it a “playroom”.
I also like to think of it as my Fappy Funtime Playroom
Oh okay, I don’t like that.
ITT I found out that Satan was right.
If there’s a 1 minute sex scene in a 90 minute movie, you’re guaranteed to have your parents walk in during that one sex scene.
So I’ve noticed that there are a lot of streaming movies and TV shows that match a lot of these patterns:
- IP is announced. Adaptation of extremely popular series with existing fanbase
- IP is billed as “adult” with “mature themes”
- Producer/Director goes on a podcast and compares IP to “Game of Thrones” a few weeks before release. Said comparison treats GoT as an ideal to aspire to instead of a cautionary tale.
- Producer/Director also insults existing fanbase for some reason
- IP is previewed to critics, gets amazing reviews
- IP comes out, and gets high streaming numbers day one
- Writing ends up being terrible
- Plot ends up being surface level, with all the subtly of the original adaptation cut out. This somehow is true now matter how basic the source material may seem
- Acting is terrible. There is at least one race swapped character, who they also butcher from a writing perspective
- VFX is terrible, and expensive scenes are cut out
- Costumes are terrible to the point where everything looks like shitty cosplay
- There’s a few violent scenes that are extremely gratuitous. VFX and writing are so bad that it’s comical instead of jarring
- There are a few random sex scenes thrown in. The sex scenes detract from the pacing of the story, and are blatantly thrown in so producers can brag about them
- Sex scenes tend to focus on the female form. If men are involved, they all are hairless and look like boy band members
- If it is a gay sex scene, it blatantly written by women and for women with an extremely limited knowledge of men as a whole
- In a few days, the Internet erupts with needlessly vitriolic discourse about said IP.
- A year post release, the show is essentially forgotten.
In that context it’s no surprise younger people don’t like sex scenes. It’s basically a canary for a low quality show and extreme toxicity.
Are you taking about Uglies? I feel like you described Uglies. I liked the adaptation, but a lot of critics didn’t.
I think the Netflix Avatar the last air bender checks off a good amount of that list.
Oh God, please tell me they didn’t put a sex scene in a movie led by literal children?
Couldn’t tell you, I only watched the first couple of episodes because it covers a bunch of the first points of the list.
Guess we’ll never know
Honestly never heard of it lol.
Pandering to teenagers is how you end up with plotlines wrapping up like oh thankfully Wesley found a solution in the last five minutes
Teenagers should be touching grass, or hucking loogies at cars, go outside and dig a hole or something, log off
They have to hook and tag them early or they can’t cash in on the nostalgia later.