Holy shit, I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a cure for aging. I was born in 1984, yet I’m somehow only 40 years old.
Or maybe everyone from 1998 stumbled upon the exact opposite.
Like that dyslexic fucker who wrote 1984 in 1948 I imagine.
Edit: it’s not even a good joke, apparently it was 1949… then again it wasnt funny if accurate either, oh well
Yeah, or not
And what was the name of your first pet?
The same as my mother’s maiden name, hunter2
I mean it’s technically not wrong. I’m 46 was born in 98, also in 88, and 78 as well.
I’m 46 was born in 98, also in 88, and 78 as well.
Born again Christian who wasn’t quite done sinning after the first reset? 😛
they would have to have had a hell of a childhood
Your poor mother… Viking horns couldn’t have gone well when they had to put you back in
Good thing that viking helmets never had horns (that was the invention of Catholics literally demonizing) and i wasn’t wearing one at the time anyway 😄
Hot bologna, if you’re telling me How To Train Your Dragon wasnt historically accurate I’m going to spit on the ground.
In that case, I hope your crops can use the moisture 😄
I’m more dreading that’s -4c outside, agh
You younglings won’t understand, but after about age 35, your brain filters out calendar math and you won’t notice the meme is wrong.
There was a article where the journalist asked a dozen people how old they felt, versus their actual age.
And every single person said they felt in their heads, 10-20 years younger. Like, a 54yo said they felt more like they were 35yo.
I’m hitting forty and I feel like I just understood what life is about, something I should have felt in my mid20s.
I feel 10 years older, so obviously I’m doing something.
I could tell if someone was under 18/21 up until I was 30. At 32 everyone under 22 looks like so young to me now. At 35, I forgot I wasnt 32
Born in 1985. 'bout to turn 100 in a couple months.
Born in '78, basically immortal
I’m with you ‘brother’, albeit one year behind. Let us tell tales of effective protest and civilian action!
Bullshit, the last person from the before-fore times died off a millennia ago.
Many fell, some survive.
Come closer children, i will tell you of a time of meaningful climate action and workplace reforms
As an adult I must say that those are some of my favorite fairy tales.
I just turned 100 last month, it’s fuckin awesome, I can fly now, only like for a mile, but everything I need is within a mile radius, so I’m saving Soo much on fuel and parking.
This meme is from the future!
Assuming we make it that far
Huge assumption
Oh shit! I was born in 1979. How old does that make me?
Google it bro
Ain’t nobody got time for that gonna ask AI
I think you did the math wrong. It’s 69.
You wish, we are doing missionary tonight as usual.
1990 kid here, im so old i died yesterday
I’d tell you what happened in 89 but I can’t remember. Something about tearing down walls to make the western world a more cohesive friendly place
Same, but I’m feeling better today
Time is a human invention.
Time is a tool you can put on the wall, or wear it on your wrist
Which man has created to aid his sense of decay, movement of all things, and exertion of control on his world
The past is far behind us, the future doesn’t exist! Oh, what’s the time?
It’s quarter to nine. Time to have a bath.
Sinks must follow the same rules as vampires.
Each time you cut yourself while shaving or your teeth bleed for some reason, those bastards get more powerful.
You had been warned
Not awake, read that as something about shaving your teeth and recoiled and reread it and I missed the mark by so far…coffee time.
I refuse to
If you invite it in, you’re powerless against it.
Let that sink in.
I guess this is one of those memes that age like fine wine?
Then start turning rancid the next year
More like a broken clock: correct eventually for a short time.
We will see but chances are
Well I’m balding like one at least.
I believe this, but mostly because I was born yesterday.
I’m born in 1975.
I’m fucking sunk. :)
The worst part is knowing you can’t afford to and yet being forced to watch your elderly parents/friends who might be able afford to but can’t because of their health and/or the need to save their money for assisted living (which gets more and more expensive each year).
I’m not suicidal, but as I watch my parents age I think I will be. I have known several recently deceased who were miserable for the last couple of years of their lives. People who if they had been pets, we would have euthanized. It’s sobering and depressing.
Math is hard
It doesn’t get easier once ya turn 100, sonny, let me tell ya.
Might take a few decades to properly sink in tho.
1990 gang calling in, I’ll be 65 this January
Also 1990 gang, I’ll be 78 this February
1973 gang. I have dementia now so I don’t even know how old I am. Someone tells me I am 207 but it doesn’t seem right.