He has been found! The one true King of Stickland!
Now we need to build the Stick Throne … using all the famous sticks that have been defeated in battle.
How would you defeat these warriors? They have a stick.
Haven’t you ever engaged in honourable battle against another opponent with a stick? Many bruises, scratches and scrapes have been endured as well as so many tears from epic battles fought and lost in the woods, parking lots and beaches of the kingdoms of sticks. I was never a great warrior and I have been beaten many times. Stupid Thomas and his dumb stick … I’d beat him again if I had the chance. :(
That’s a good point. An opponent with a stick is a fierce opponent.
Nonsense! We’re will now run through exercises of how to defend against someone with a banana!
I accidentally clicked on that training documentary. Not what I expected…
Pulled from the pile of stick the legendary sticalibur
How did you become King again?
Listen – strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause you picked up a stick that looks like an awesome sword!
Do be quiet!
What’s up with that floating vase in the background?
You mean Alexander?
It’s an Elden Ring reference
Thanks, now it’s clearer!
That’s the Stick-Kings first opponent.
Thats good stick
You get 2 whacks until it is spent.
Now that’s a proper oversized sword!
Best one yet!