Another Crab’s Treasure looks like a cute game about a crab trying to get his stolen shell back but is actually about how capitalism crushes everything in its infinite lust for power and how it cannot be reasoned with, only destroyed.
Ecco the dolphin.
I never owned a Sega but my dad had one and this game. I wasn’t there often enough to get good at it but I loved it. Great game.
one shot, Celeste, A Hat In Time, Castle Crashers, kingdom hearts, goat simulator (fun fact it recently got a remaster!), hollow knight, rain world
You play as a cat in a post-apocalyptic world where human already extinct.
Doki Doki Literature Club comes to mind
Idk if it “went really hard” but I had fun playing Epistory. It was very cute.
I came for the typing fun and stayed for the emotional story.
What a great game!
Bugsnax starts out like a fun cross between Pokemon and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, but it gets weird and dark.
I mentally think of it as “Sega’s Kirby”. Not because it has any specific similarities to Kirby in gameplay. But simply because it is similar in tone and vibe. A super cute game that is secretly about fighting an eldritch entity.
… And as every Sega game in the 90s, it is exciting arcade action from beginning to end.
The Binding of Issac.
Doki Doki literature club. I watched it being streamed for a bit. I thought it was just a dumb Japanese school girl high school drama game then suddenly one of the girls offed herself. Was not expecting that.
Turnip boy commits tax evasion.
Don’t Starve looks cutesy but is completely unforgiving.
Eternal Sonata
frog fractions