Legitimately what is wrong with these people?
They want a fascist leader and to invade their neighbours?
They know how that historically ends right?
Like the “you won’t let me say a slur so I’m gonna be a nazi” thing was kinda supposed to be an overly reductive meme, but this guy’s just out there living it.
An interesting thing about this map, the way these lines are drawn would all but guarantee conservative victories for a long, long time.
A bunch of extra, barely inhabited states, to give two extra electoral votes and a handful of senators to conservatives. I wonder if whoever drew this is aware that most Canadian conservatives are closer to American Democrats than American conservatives.
Meanwhile, all 117 million people in the Philippines get one state. I think you’re right.
Edit: looks like it may be two, making each one comparable with California.
Yo, why do they want the Caribbean? They already have P.R. and they treat it like an S.T.D. they’re ignoring.
The US invaded Dominican Republic in the 1960s, and they passed on a serious offer to acquire Cuba (sometime before Bautista and Castro).
I think the overseas territories on this map are basically everything the US held at any time, and the stuff they could conceivably have held onto.