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Poor one out for all your LGBTQ+ homies in America, they’re about to be hunted for sport.
Poor one out for all your LGBTQ+ homies in America, they’re about to be hunted for sport.
I was saying that before Joe step down and oh look, I was right. Now I having crippling depression and I need to put myself on suicide watch.
Hey, I know you don’t know me, but I want you to know that depriving us of what you can bring will only make it worse. I’ve found that I can keep myself alive by living for the people around me. Right now what’s keeping me going is touching base with everyone, seeing how they’re doing, asking them if they’ve made any plans, and telling them about my plans to move forward. Direct action just got a whole lot harder and more dangerous, but giving up now only makes the problem worse. One foot in front of the other, until you get the rhythm, Then follow it. I believe in you.
I appreciate it.
Fortunately I’m recognizing the signs and taking early measures. Trying to find a shrink and decide if I should move.
Do you remember the number on this “incumbent advantage”? The establishment didn’t just switch out Biden on a whim. Biden literally fucked his chances at winning at the debate. You are barking up the wrong tree
Shut the fuck up. When you have advantages you fucking use all of win and ensure the win. We didn’t use all of them and we lost. Simple as so instead of giving your fucking useless opinion to me, go hunker down like everyone else and tell your trans and ltgbq+ “I’m sorry”
It is an advantage useful when it’s not enough to win? Do you not remember the numbers at the time?! For all the pro genocide and ignoring of his base, going on TV and having a senior moment for an hour ended all discussion on the matter. The fact that the internal fighting in its aftermath is proof that Biden did not have the confidence of his base. Harris is the current vice president, if you wanted an incumbent advantage that it’s what you had. And to argue that “burden would have won i told you so!” Is to argue from ignorance. You don’t know, and all evidence pointed to it not being so.
I mean, if they really really really wanted that incumbent advantage, Biden could have stepped out.
That’s the fun thing is WE DONT KNOW AND WONT GET TO FIND OUT ANYMORE. You act like it was all said and over but you don’t actually fucking know. Because if you did you would have the ability to see the future and wouldn’t be carrying on about this topic. But here we are, you not able to see the future and me pointing out that we don’t know until we find out. Well now we lost. Good fucking job.
What i do know is that confidence in Biden was in the shitter. Wile republicans have never had any consideration about trumps mental decline as long as he was their monster, left wing voters are fractional based on attaining left ideals, of which Biden did not achieve. Add on to that where Biden was in Obvious decline, it’s no wonder that there was infighting on his viability. The fact that there was even a discussion means that the incumbency was worth fuck and all.
You should be angry but all evidence points to your “i told you so!” Is incorrect. Trump won the popular vote, end of.
Biden was never going to win. He is actively losing his marbles. It was so painfully obvious even Democrats had to accept it.
Yes incumbent advantage is real, but Biden had so many other disadvantages that he’d have never won.
It sucks but it is what it is.
And yet now everyone has to pretend that a single coherent thought comes out of Trumps mouth in any given 5 minutes.
Did I say I’m happy about trump either? No. It just is what it is. The democrat party knew that pushing for Biden last election had a chance for this to happen.
Can I borrow your crystal ball sometime?
Sure, it makes for a great lens. You can use it to read the writing on the wall.
Oh, I misunderstood. I thought what you were saying is that you can somehow magically know all possible realities for sure despite that being impossible. My bad.
Oh you mean like the guy he was replying to?
Please don’t kill yourself. We need you for the revolution. Doesn’t matter who you are, what your skills are. If you can hold a gun or make soup, we need you.
Just say the word
Encumbant advantage? In this economic climate, it’s exactly the opposite. People who are feeling increasingly fed up with a world in which they cannot make ends meet vote against the status quo.
4 years of Trump got people to vote against Trump. 4 years of Biden got people to vote against his VP.
Biden himself would lost even harder than Kamala did.
And where do you buy your crystal ball that proves you right?
Oh? You don’t have one? Then you don’t know and you’re speculating that Biden would have lost. We wouldn’t have known until we knew but now we never will and we all lost. I can’t wait to get hunted down for not being a white Christian man all because
bIdEn WoUlD hAvE lOsT
If you actually think you will get hunted down…buy a goddamn gun. Take classes, carry every day. Arm yourself and your friends.
I’m basing my analysis on the observable trend that incumbents lose when the economy is poor. As well as, y’know, Biden’s abysmal poll numbers after the debate, the reason he dropped out in the first place.
You’re the one who started insisting incumbent advantage would’ve been a thing here, where’s your crystal ball?
Poll numbers:
Every president since we’ve started recording the “what’s your impression of how the president is doing” has a slump in polls. Biden’s slump isn’t even historic. It’s typical, average. Go look at some numbers before you decide to have an opinion.
Emcumbant Advantage:
Please screenshot where I said “Biden would have won”. I won’t wait because I didn’t. I said it was an advantage and when you fight in anything you maximize every advantage you have. You do everything you can to win. It does not garuntee a win but it shores up your odds. The strategy we used was to instead shoot ourselves in the leg and try to gobble to the finish line. So again shut the fuck up until you have a thought actually worth more than the bullshit headlines of whatever fucking rag you are passing off as your opinion you stupid fuck
If you want to “do everything you can to win”, step one is not running the guy who was borderline incoherent in the debates. Staying by that would’ve been shooting yourself in the leg.
Did we watch the same debate here? There was never any advantage coming out of that one.
Borderline incoherent, clearly that’s wrong because grandpa rantsalot is now our president.
You don’t have to tell me the other guy is terrible. I know he is.
But did you actually watch the debate? The fact that he came out of that debate arguably looking even worse than Trump - in the eyes of voters, don’t even try to argue this one - was a clear red flag.
There was never any ‘advantage’ here, and Biden stepped down because even he knew it.