Idgaf what anyone says, that mf is a hero
Masked Gunman 2028.
He’s got a plan to take down trump.
But he’s a felon! oh wait…
Fuck yes!
If this inspires people to shoot up board rooms instead of kindergartens it’s an improvement
That’s the one fucking thing that I don’t understand about US psychos.
Is your username a Behold the Arctopus reference?
Check my avatar
Oh wow idk why but on my version of Voyager I can’t see any avatars to the point that I was certain that there are no user avatars in here at all ;/ I’ll assume it’s that awsome album artwork made by Voivod drummer (like all of the other bta artworks) but I really can’t see it(
Edit: I mean if I could see it I wouldn’t’ve asked about the username (presuming that it is that album’s cover)
Voivod drummer? Brother only one BTA album has artwork by Away, it’s the split that has Paincave.
My avatar is the Skullgrid artwork.
The rest of them were done by Terry Grow, who also did some of the Dysrhythmia artworks (Defo Terminal threshold, maybe Psychic maps)
Voivod drummer? link explaination
I added the chapelle show clip “Truck diver?” to indicate the tone of voice to read “Voivod Drummer?” , not the rest of the sketch
You’re right, thank you for the correction🤝
Thank you for reminding me that this band exists.
Check out their latest album, it’s on their bamdcamp and on Colin’s youtube channel, it’s unreal
Hell yeah, glad they’re still putting out new stuff
They like preying on the vulnerable
Really? You don’t understand how a mentally disturbed person can gain easier access to a kindergarten than a board room?
The rich and powerful control the narrative. They use that narrative to craft stories to keep people’s anger and extremism directed inwards.
This isn’t some great mystery. It’s just the reality of what tyranny actually looks like.
deleted by creator
There was that story about a robot dog advertising drugs in Moscow, and it apparently started to delete all of its storage and stuff when the police took it in.
It was carrying bags of “drugs”, but they were fake last I heard. Either an expensive prank or a test run.
Dude, where’s the drywall bag I ordered!!! That dam dog!
On it.
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Impossible. This would require Internet mods to leave their house.
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Yes cause “guy who deleted your comment” is just as bad as “guy who’s policies literally kill people”.
Shut up troll
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Seems risky for the perpetrator, won’t they be able to trace who rented the bike?
They can trace the credit card. Whether or not that leads to the actual shooter is a different matter.
Step 1
Walk into a Walgreens and buy a prepaid visa with cash
Walgreens is a bad choice. They’ve invested a ton of money into cameras and surveillance for their locations. Almost on the level of Target for loss prevention.
They probably know which Walgreen’s it was bought in and can check when it was bought, likely there are cameras in the store. Hope the dude was wise enough to wear a mask or some other disguise.
Camera footage takes up more storage than most companies are willing to pay for, especially for retail. Any footage was likely overwritten beyond a certain point, assuming the drive is even still functional after years of wear and tear.
Edit: For a rough calculator
That’s a great tool, thanks.
That’s true, if it was really planned to the tee it was probably something like
Or more likely:
It it were really planned couldn’t someone just wait a month or so? They’re not storing footage for that long.
They would have to go through the ebike company, and that could take some time
Apparently some corporate dick sucker scrapes the public feeds for the bikes and volunteered the information for the likely bike pretty much immediately.
Booooo. Can we add that guy to the list?
Corpo netrunners, you say?
They took the ebike into central park and got away on foot from there. I doubt they’re the one that rented the bike or if they did, they did it with fake info and a prepaid card. Once they got to central park they probably swapped into a new set of clothes out of that backpack and disapeared.
Word is it wasn’t a rental bike after all which is probably smarter.
Not just new clothes, probably a reversible backpack so when leaving the park the backpack wasn’t even the same color.
Y’all really just crafting whatever narrative you want in your heads, aren’t ya?
What does your little voice have you do? Mine is a movie director and you are ruining the plot…
Might as well. No empathy for merchants of death.
The insurance companies are the death panels politicians used to talk about like the bogeyman, not the government.
Don’t really give a shit about any of the rich assholes making decisions about who should die just to increase shareholder returns.
What does any of that have to do with the comment chain? I was commenting on how people are just running wild with their imagination instead of sticking to facts.
If you only care about the facts, read the fucking article and ignore the comments. No one here is an expert or involved in the investigation, we’re here to talk about it.
For whatever reason, you seem to not understand the function of a comment section, and feel the need to voice that. Not sure why.
You okay, mate?
Drive-by e-scooter shootings have been a thing here in Sweden, which I firmly place in the same cyberpunk bucket.
Shootings can’t happen in Europe
Nah, they happen. Just at way, way lower rates than in the U.S.
Russian assault group making u-turn on their electrical scooters
Well, they’re illegal there aren’t they?
They do
No it’s illegal!
In Sweden, it’s forbidden by law to be a criminal.
Swede here, yeah they absolutely can.
They frown on that sort of thing
Not only that…
Damn. Guess I’ll have to find another career path.
Sound logic
Not in America. Apparently if you’re a criminal in America you can run for president!
America has a strange relationship with the law. We both idealize and despise crime. Crime now is bad and scary (unless it’s your guys), but a lot of people will brag about their ancestors being criminals (especially mobsters). So you sometimes wind up with people who brag about being descended from mafiosos, listening to 90s gangster rap, and fearmongering about MS-13.
This is America
Checks notes
I think you mean be president.
Damn, you beat me to it.
In eastern cultures they have a concept which, when translated, is called “the law.” “The law” is about defining a set of rules to encourage people to behave in a way that is more appropriate for society.
That’s crazy, it would never work here
Sounds like socialism either way, and my wise elected leaders said that’s bad.
That’s it, I officially get my news mostly from memes
First time?
No, that’s kinda what I meant
His defence will be that his Cyberdyne nanotech brain implants malfunctioned.
Much cheaper than giving a CEO a golden parachute
For CEOs,
plata oplomo
In its very perverted logic, this assassination is good for capitalism. Every CEO can ask for a raise now.
One of the strengths of capitalism is that it can profit both off stability and off turmoil. It literally cannot lose
That’s why I feel progress should be made by leveraging capitalism instead of nuking it.
Capitalism tries to nuke itself that’s why it’s often heavily regulated. It’s only positive is that it allows for rapid production. Which is also it’s greatest drawback.
Oh boy I have a lemmy instance for you then
No, you don’t. You love creating strange monsters and then quelling them to make your arts seem something, as Jonson brilliantly put it. I prefer thinking that things can be changed by the people who need change the most instead of hoping for utter sociopaths to discover an empathy they’ve never shown proof of.
I absolutely agree
It’s already been tried with social democracies. They cannot last because capitalism is inherently rapacious by nature and tends to maximize the extraction of surplus value in the long run.
Seems to be working well in the Nordics. Or does that not fit the definition?
You mean the same countries that have been having issues with managing the growing number of immigrants and the strain they put on the welfare system?
Oh yeah migration is going to become world war insanity. You think unfettered capitalism deals with migrants better? They’re already ceding land to the federal government in Texas for
concentration campsdeportation centers.You aren’t talking to a stan for capitalism.
Wait… are you talking about the Nordics ore just Sweden?
You have to ask “At whose expense?”
Ok, I’ll play.
At whose expense?
Sorry, just saw this. The answer is at the expense of the global south. Those social democracies still have companies that profit off of the labor and resources of the global south.
What if it’s impossible to leverage it without falling into a cyberpunk dystopia?
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Yep, they should form a union and demand hazard pay on their CBAs.
Let’s increase each one’s pay by exactly three aerodynamic chunks of lead, to be deposited directly into their brainpans at supersonic speeds.
Subsonic, still very fast. The assassin used subsonic ammo because it isn’t nearly as loud. This is important.
He also was using a suppressor without a Nielsen device as they had to rack the slide after every shot. Telling me it wasn’t a professional hit.
Can you explain what this is, so that I don’t have to google it and end up on a list?
It uses gas pressure to allow the slide to reciprocate and load another bullet into the chamber. Most pistols with an attached suppressor need this because of how blow back tilting barrels work.
Much more importantly you should just get tor browser and use duckduckgo. This way you can search and you’re not expressing interest on a federated board that can cache what you say indefinitely.
Do we have sauce?
The Internet is the sauce for this one, it’s still cooking
Perhaps the 9mm pistol is the guillotine of the next American revolution.
You’ve said this on so many posts I’m struggling to keep track of which ones I’ve seen before. It’s not a criticism, just saying you’re messing with my melon maaaan.
Sorry. I hope your melon has recovered.
Wow, you weren’t kidding. I wish I had that much confidence in my comments
People got so hung up on cool cyberware and Johnny Silverhand that they completely forgot Cyberpunk was a warning.
who wouldn’t want to have e-narrator Keanu in their mind sarcastically commenting their every move ? I’ve already preordered
Look Mom, I’m on the top of Arasaka tower.
Did they put that in the game? If they did that is almost certainly a tip of the hat to Rico Rodriguez, from the Just Cause series
I think it’s from Edgerunners.
Ok, well then Edgerunners seems to be giving Rico a nod. That show came out decades after Just Cause, where if you manage to get to the highest point on any of the four maps, Rico says “Look Ma! Top of The World!” in JC1 and all subsequent games the line was, “Look Ma! Top of The World! … … again.”
Oh, they’re both quoting James Cagney in White Heat from 1949.
but wait, it gets even more cyberpunk: the security cam footage is on streamable! :o
It’s down now. :(
Some people are still trying to buy 2mpx if it saves them money.
Already down, shame.
It’s also on Wikipedia and Know Your Meme
Hopefully this video can get mirrored before it gets taken down
God can we please get 4k security cameras before the first corpo war
No. It’s better this way.
…so far.
Hey dental insurance CEO, are you thinking twice this morning about signing off on that press release where you’re going to start denying all of Grandma’s dental claims if you you’re software finds any evidence of her smiling on social media… Smiling being user-initiated routine wear and tear on teeth that shareholders demand no longer be covered by default.
Think twice this morning, my Lord…
Now let’s add a bit of Ghost in the Shell where the shooter is invisible because no one has organic eyes anymore… And he has an electronic scrambling technology
wasn’t that also somehow a plotline on altered carbon?
Hmm yes with the Yakuza leader being killed I believe?
This felt more Snow Crash to me. The recent history of manipulation going on in social media is definitely Stand Alone Complex territory though.
I bet it was that guy who got denied an upgraded robotic leg battery.
You forgot the funniest part from the movie: when the man was hacked into believing he had a wonderful life with a wife and daughter, when he was really just living in a tiny shitty apartment. Completely broke his mind lmao
He hacked my eyes!!