Masked neo-Nazis marched through Columbus, Ohio’s Short North neighborhood on Saturday, displaying swastika flags and making racist and antisemitic statements.
Police are investigating, and no arrests have been reported.
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and Columbus officials condemned the display, emphasizing that hate and bigotry have no place in the state.
The incident follows a similar demonstration in Michigan last week, where masked protesters displayed Nazi flags outside a performance of The Diary of Anne Frank.
Didn’t fucking arrest them. They pepper sprayed people.
Also the short north is a traditional gayborhood.
Masked groupNazis marches through Ohio neighborhood with swastika flagsFTFY ABC News.
deploy the caltrops
Deploy the horses with diarrhea brigade
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and Columbus officials condemned the display, emphasizing that hate and bigotry have no place in the state.
Oh, but they do, as is evidenced by hateful bigots marching through the streets of your state capitol.
It’s like that time my old high school had a school shooting and some elected official was all like “no one could have predicted this” and I was like “my brother in Christ, I went to that high school. If no one predicted a mass shooter event then why the fuck weren’t we allowed long coats or backpacks? Why the metal detectors? Was it all for shits and giggles?”
Anyways, elected officials lie and it’s very upsetting to people that expect literal truth. Maybe it’s comforting to some?
“We will not tolerate hate in Ohio,” Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWine said in a statement on the social media platform X on Saturday evening.
Talking from both sides of your ballot box, are we, Mike? Fucking moron. You support the hate candidate and you get a hate populace.
Considering this was happening before the election was declared as well, I’m willing to take the stance that Ohio is just a magnet for trash Nazis.
Don’t worry, he’ll get pushback on that statement and then declare Ohio the fifth reich. He always takes the right stance first then manages to flip flop to worse than he was asked to
I wonder what the amount of Trump gear vs Nazi flags was. It’s also very ironic how when Nazi’s march in the streets without a permit the cops just block off the street with their cars and perform crowd control to “help protect the city” (the Nazis). And when people of color march without a permit because cops killed another person over something stupid they get met with riot gear, tear gas, and rubber bullets.
It’s going to get so much worse before it gets better …
Remember that cops have no duty to protect. They protect who they like. They protect what they are.
Yep, racists are going to be racist.
To be fair they were severely understaffed for exactly the duration of the march for some mysterious reason.
If it gets better…
They harassed a local business, got confronted by the patrons there, and pepper sprayed them. Then, they got arrested for it.
You only hide your face if you’re proud of something that you’re probably not supposed to be proud of…
Or you fear being harassed by the cops… oh wait nvm.
Exactly. Some of them may actually be cops. They always get some number of facists.
“They always get some number of facists.”
My observation is that if they didn’t start out that way, they sure end up that way.
And yes, I resisted the temptation to make a joke about “facists”
Why are you putting “fascist” in quotes when we’re talking about a march literally displaying Nazi flags?
Maybe I’m mistaken in thinking Nazis are fascists?
Why are you putting “fascist” in quotes when we’re talking about a march literally displaying Nazi flags?
Slow down, you read too fast.
“facists” vs fascists.
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I miss the days when it was acceptable to beat the shit out of Nazis. Can we bring that back?
Under what laws was it acceptable to beat people until shit comes out of them? It sounds like you just want an excuse to become violent whenever you feel justified.
You will never get the answer. Not here on Lemmy or Reddit. These are keyboard badasses.
Over half the planet was in agreement about fucking up Nazis at one point
The laws of engagement in WW2? I remember they were apparently building concentration camps and rounding up and murdering the Jews, the gays, the gypsies, the anarchists, the communists, the Slavs, the mentally disabled, allied prisoners of war etc etc. I think right about then the law was ok with fucking-up Nazis… but I’m not an historian so best to double check this comment.
I’m a pacifist, but punching Nazis has been self defence for 80+ years.
No it hasn’t. It is propaganda from Zionists to get you to think and behave radically anytime someone gets called a Nazi. It is a way to get you to think irrationally and to become a violent thug whenever you feel it is convenient to attack someone.
No, I’m old enough to know the difference.
If you’re suggesting people literally carrying Nazi flags aren’t Nazis, you’re delusional.
You do realize that Nazis from WWII would be around 90 years old today? Like I’m not sure if you think there is some time portal and you just got done playing some video game about zombie Nazis or what not, but yeah the people in the US are mostly troll cosplay Nazis who have never murdered anyone. But if you want to find people supporting modern day genocide that is taking place right now then you’re looking for people carrying a different flag.
Okay, your comments are clearly in bad faith and I’m done wasting time on you.
It appears that bad faith to you means not living in an alternative reality that you want to live in.
Always punch Nazis. It’s pretty simple.
Okay there keyboard warrior. Do you lunch Zionist at the same level you punch cosplay Nazis? One is actively committing genocide.
Nazis bad :)
Nazis aren’t people. They cashed out their people card the second they picked up that flag.
Carrying a flag does not mean that someone is not people. It can mean that they are people that do bad things. You have Zionists committing genocide under your nose that seem to carry a particular flag. Do you think Zionists, like Joe Biden (a proud Zionist) aren’t people? Are you willing to punch the President or worse because of your extremist beliefs?
Netanyahu’s atrocities don’t justify your support for nazi shit.
It’s a shame that lemmy’s centrists abandoned the high ground on this, but I didn’t. Nazis relinquished their humanity to become pinatas.
Jury nullification.
Someone should make an educational video on jury nullification and find a way to make it go viral on tiktok.
I see the propaganda has worked well. You’re more concerned about cosplay Nazis than the real Nazis committing genocide under your nose. You going to go punch a Zionist now?
You’re going to be really disappointed if anyone ever tells you it’s raining cats and dogs.
There’s no such thing as a peaceful Nazi.
Alright then Neville
They’re Nazis.
Appeasement is a terrible idea when we’re talking about Nazis, it has never worked and will never work. I don’t get why people are so ignorant about history. I guess you’re not part of a minority that would get brutalized or murdered under their rule? Otherwise you probably wouldn’t attempt to play nice with literal Nazis.
It’s really irritating to watch this shit unfold as a German. You guys are basically begging fascists to take over at this point.
Who is begging fascist to take over? It sounds like you’re begging anarchy to take over. I seriously question people’s intent like this that act like there should be no laws in the United States and that their radical feelings are way more important. I don’t see any of these cosplay Nazis murdering Jewish people anywhere on the scale of Zionists. Do you? Tell me, why are you such a strong advocate of punching cosplay Nazis but not an advocate of punching those committing the murder and genocide today?
Can… can we maybe just punch / kill both? The Isrealis are acting a LOT like Nazis these days. I’m cool with both.
If you see someone punch a nazi, no you didn’t. That nazi fell.
My sister and I are in Columbus for a concert and we were in a store right across the street from this happening. Shook us up pretty good. I have never seen something like that before.
What did you do to stop it?
Back in Normandy and Carentan Americans used to call that target practice, make America great again please.
It would be a shame if Nazis got massacred and noone saw what happened.
I hate Ohio Nazis.
Indeed, we need the 1974 Dodge Monaco…“It’s got a cop motor, a 440-cubic-inch plant. It’s got cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks. It’s a model made before catalytic converters so it’ll run good on regular gas.”
Ohio Nazis aren’t real Nazis.
If they don’t come from the 1944 Germany region, they are sparkling fascists.
Is it legal to “citizens arrest” a Neo Nazi on sight?
This is what I love about these guys … they know full well that this is wrong, this is unacceptable and that the majority of people don’t support them … which is why they wear a mask to hide themselves. They are brazen enough to step out in public to display what they want but they are cowardly enough to not want to be identified.