I always thought I had bad indoor allergies until i moved out of my parents house. They have chain smoked inside with the windows closed for my whole life. Moving out was the best thing I ever did for my health.
I hate cigarettes now, especially since I quit smoking myself(didnt smoke inside though) I don’t even know why I started in the first place. I’m dumb I guess?
Straight up child abuse. Fuck…
Every once in a while I still spot someone smoking with kids in the car. That shit makes me irate.
My neighbour smokes indoors. When she opens the door, I get the smell you are talking about.
My aunt smoked two packs a day, in the house, and when I visited I had to wear clothes I was ready to throw away, had to strip and shower when I got home, and once in the space of an hour she smoked seven cigarettes and finally one of my eyes swelled shut, and she demanded to know why I didn’t say anything. My husband pointed out the walls were yellow with tobacco, she lived in the house she grew up in and all the furniture was the same as when she was a child. When she died it all had to be junked, despite some of it probably being antique.
When she died it all had to be junked
The tar might have helped it burn better
Despite never having touched a cigarette in my life, my mom smokes pretty heavily… Knowing i probably stink to everyone else really sucks ;-;
Since my colleagues have missed the invention of Deodorant and washing themselves I’d beg to differ.
i’m old enough to remember smoking sections on airplanes. Not to be dramatic but, I felt like I was going to die!
Even as a smoker I hated indoor smoking.
Wow that looks awful
It was absolutely disgusting. I only flew once as a kid prior to it being outlawed but I was sick from it.
Living in Norway, it always strikes me how disgusting smoking still is, even outside, when i go to central europe. You get completely unused to the amount of smoke and stink e.g. outside of stores
I only ever smell it outside anymore, but I walk away fanning the air in front of my face. It’s so nasty.
Can always tell the people who smoke in their cars.
Their cloths are saturated in it and they’re noseblind to it. I’m in Healthcare and you get off an elevator and can tell when the Caregiver who smokes was on the elevator before you.
Always am heavily cognizant since I smoke weed to not be like the ciggy cunts. Would want someone to tell me.
Isn’t weed the same way? I can always smell it on people who smoke it. It might not be quite as ‘sticky’ as cigarette smoke?, but I can still smell it on people’s clothes until they are washed, or in their house or car.
Please tell someone. Dunno bout them but I’d appreciate being told. Feel like an ass otherwise.
Still be the case of course lol
Brush teeth if going anywhere before. Never smoke around others. I breath test, cloths test.
Some family smoke cigarettes fairly heavily and I’ve never smelled it on them. Despite living in the same home. They are conscious of others with their habit. I don’t know what the people who reek do. Maybe they hotbox the actual smoke.
Yeah if you reek of smoke that bad you’re probably smoking in confined spaces e.g. inside your house, car, etc. Clothes start being impregnated again as soon as they’re out of the wash coz the whole house is continually full of smoke. Folks that smoke “the modern way” (only outside, etc) will probably only smell when coming back from a smoke for a bit, or maybe the breath/fingertips up close.
Wish I could still buy one of those.
Once in a great while, I have a brain fart and tell the restaurant host “two for non”.
That’s hilarious. Do they stare at you blankly?
I still remember when it was okay to smoke inside hospitals. Fun times…
When I quit, it took just a few weeks to recover my sense of smell, and I wish it didn’t because my house reeked of acrid smoke for months. Even my clean clothes smelt like unwashed smoked ass, it was sickening.I still remember when it was okay to smoke inside hospitals. Fun times…
All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.
I grew up in a house with smokers, picked it up as a teenager and smoked a pack a day for 20 years after that. Now I can smell someone lighting up 2 blocks away.
It’s kind of crazy. As time passed without smoking, I noticed many things smelled differently to me. For example, I was repulsed by the smell of cheddar cheese the first time I smelled it after quitting. I can’t put it into words properly but it smelled so different from what I was expecting that the thought of taking a bite made my stomach turn.
That’s interesting! My uninformed guess: since smoke is such a powerful smell, smoking constantly probably suppresses one‘s ability to smell other things - so after 20 years you’re probably accustomed to things smelling less strong and more smokey than they actually do. So I can see why smelling something very strong like cheese with your full sense of smell restored would be quite a shock!
This was my experience too. Now I can’t stand the smell of cigarrettes at all.
I wish I couldn’t stand the smell. It’s been a few years now but I still get regular cravings.
At one of my first jobs in an office, everyone had an ashtray at their desk and there was always someone smoking at any given time throughout the day. Same with the breakroom. Sometime around then was when they started making people go to the breakroom to smoke, then a few years later it moved to having to go outside, which just meant walking through the cloud of smoke surrounding the door to get inside. Well, at least one thing has changed for the better since then. 😄
Altria, formerly Philip Morris, still allows smoking in their buildings as of a few years ago. It’s trippy to book a non-smoking room in the 2020s.
You can also just take a trip to the Waffle House off I-95 in Florence, SC. It allowed smoking when I was there in 2014 and probably still does.
Well they literally get killed for asking.
There’s a small city in the Kansas City, Missouri metro (Raytown) that lobbied to keep it legal in restaurants and bars. I just looked it up, and apparently it’s fine to smoke weed as of 2023, too
Even as a kid I always liked the smell
And the cold tobacco doesn’t bother me either
However there’s one tobacco smell I don’t like, when someone smoked a cigaret (in cold weather) very fast before boarding the train/bus. It’s a very strong, musky smell
Born in early 90’s. We were still responding “non” to the first question that was asked entering a restaurant.
Try working in a restaurant. I worked as a server for awhile, right at the tail end of when they still had smoking and nonsmoking sections. It was awful.
The smells haven’t gone away, you’re just acclimated now
Now they all smell like weed. I actually wish people who smoked weed were more attentive to how they stink, because it’s also very gross.