I thought it was just a more scientific classification.
Scientifc classification by sex. Referring to others by their biological sex in a social context is weird and creepy. Even if you believe sex and gender are the same thing, it’s still weird to call people by their sex. “Hello, male human. Want to ingest some fried pieces of cow flesh tonight?”
Using scientific terminology in colloquial speech is weird and creepy in most contexts. Calling kids “juveniles” and women “females” carries certain connotations, most of them bad.
It’s not inherently derogatory, but it does hold a connotation if you refer to women as females particularly in contexts where you wouldn’t/don’t refer to men as males.
Yes using scientific terminology can be derogatory. But in this case, acting like the opposite gender is a species on its own, classifying them as animals and slurring all women as hoes gave it away for me.
Using female as a noun (rather than as an adjective, such as in the phrase “female firefighter”, or any phrase of the format “female $noun”) is generally overly clinical and dehumanizing. Some people do it out of habit due to their profession-- usually researchers or soldiers-- but they usually say “males and females”, which while still weird isn’t the worst.
The guys who say “men and females” are the ones you need to watch out for.
That’s a huge word salat just to say “I’m an incel”
Found the Ger(wo)man.
Is female derogatory? I thought it was just a more scientific classification.
If you are calling a woman “a female”, and aren’t a cop discussing a victim or a doctor writing a chart, then yes, it’s fucking derogatory.
We’re not Ferengi.
Yep. A lot of incels seemingly are unfamiliar with scientific classification and try to use it in casual statements.
Like, they sound real stupid trying to redirect it to be about science then saying phrases like “boobs and tits”.
Scientifc classification by sex. Referring to others by their biological sex in a social context is weird and creepy. Even if you believe sex and gender are the same thing, it’s still weird to call people by their sex. “Hello, male human. Want to ingest some fried pieces of cow flesh tonight?”
It’s a classification of sex like biological characteristics, like chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs. Are you asking about that?
Gender is a social construct. Just like race. Where you can be a Black person who is British. Or a Filipino American.
Using scientific terminology in colloquial speech is weird and creepy in most contexts. Calling kids “juveniles” and women “females” carries certain connotations, most of them bad.
It’s not inherently derogatory, but it does hold a connotation if you refer to women as females particularly in contexts where you wouldn’t/don’t refer to men as males.
It is not. Americans are insane.
Found the incel!
Found a USian.
Yes using scientific terminology can be derogatory. But in this case, acting like the opposite gender is a species on its own, classifying them as animals and slurring all women as hoes gave it away for me.
Using female as a noun (rather than as an adjective, such as in the phrase “female firefighter”, or any phrase of the format “female $noun”) is generally overly clinical and dehumanizing. Some people do it out of habit due to their profession-- usually researchers or soldiers-- but they usually say “males and females”, which while still weird isn’t the worst.
The guys who say “men and females” are the ones you need to watch out for.
Ohhhhh Watch out for what ?
Incel bullshit
Sex-obsessed creep
I mean, you are the one that freaks out when someone mentions the word incel, so I’m thinking that applies to you more than me.